Ladies check your neck, feel around for lumps etc, watch yourself swallow a drink of water in front of mirror. My thyroid nodules were first discovered at a routine checkup for migraine medication and my Dr saw a lump across the room. Thyroid ultrasound showed multiple lumps on both sides. Most concerning was one with irregular boarders and microcalcifications, now the others have visibility grown rather quickly. The dr I was referred to suggestedI to go straight for surgery but I thought I’d wait to see if any shrinking was possible with women’s health Dr suggested iodine and maybe do a biopsy. My Drs option today said just get thyroid removed because they’ll send it for pathology again. It already causes difficulties swallowing food or water and sometimes talking is effected. He said it will only get worse and my speech will be worsened if I don’t get it taken care of. So now we’re waiting to hear back to schedule and determine next steps. I’m going to have to be overnight at the hospital after surgery and probably no driving for a week after.
I just submitted Exam #1 for my Birth & Bereavement Doula Certification. Yes, things in life slowed me down some but today I got it accomplished! One day I hope to be able to support women birthing at any gestation and help them navigate through the pain of loss or join in joyful celebration.
I’m not always proud of my past and I don’t exactly find joy in discussing the traumatic times but each have brought me to who I am. I’ve lived, I’ve learned, my faith is strong, I still see good in people and I’m thankful for each new day.
Authentically ME
I'm a wife of 25 years to a husband that consistently chooses to love me despite my flaws and a mother of 3 wonderful, loving and giving children. I have 7 babies waiting for me in Heaven. I'm imperfect, often feel broken and I'm always learning; you will see many aspects of what makes me the person I am throughout this blog. Though the ups and downs in this journey through life I have learned and am learning so much, I'll never stop learning. I hold myself to impossible standards yet I know I am imperfect and will keep trying, I keep dusting myself off and getting up to go again. I understand the uniqueness of every situation and person, I am ME and others are who they choose to be; I don't have to agree with you or you agree with me. I make no secret of my standards, do NOT harm children, do NOT destroy others health (physical, mental, spiritual or financial); that's my boundaries and what it takes to have access to me. If this is too much to ask feel free to move along and I let go with love and genuinely want the best for your present and future. Healing isn't a place of arrival, it's continuous, I have healed from many things and I am still healing; like an onion healing comes in layers, like the tides; healing comes in ebbs and flows. I love, I observe, I learn and forgetting the past/history leads to cycles of chaos and I refuse to forget and not remember; I will continue learning from the lessons. I have my fair share of problems and battles, I win some and lose some but by God's grace I'm continuing in the good fight. I'm attempting to live life authentically and I enjoy the many blessings I have received both in happiness and pain. I don't have any licenses in Biblical Studies, or Health (physical, mental, spiritual, financial). I have background in military, health, service of others and individual trainings and research; I don't claim to be an expert on anything and I advise you to research and advocate for yourself as well as consult professionals. I'm sharing experiences and lessons I am learning or trying to learn as I go through life. Choose to remember but not fear, choose to enjoy the now and cherish priceless moments; look forward to changes knowing that lessons will come and more beautiful glimpses, love and joy are all available when you look closely at times from your past, moments within your present and the possibilities from your tomorrows. I am a survivor, I love deeply, I am a truth finder and I am a warrior, I am ME. Know you have strength, you have value, you are enough, you are worthy of peace and happiness, your boundaries are yours and it's okay to enforce them, you are loved, you are missed, you deserve support, your goodness to people and the world is noticed, you deserve to heal, your voice matters and you deserve to be seen and heard; best of all love yourself in your uniqueness flaws and all. Archives
January 2020